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OCTOBER 22, 2024
Domestic prices in US$ per short ton - Baled, F.O.B. seller's dock

Current Price Range by Grade  - Subscribers Only

PSI Grade Description





PS 54 Mixed Paper (Baled, $/ton, f.o.b. RC, View PS 1 for Historical Prior to 2018) View Subscribers Only    
PS 56 Sorted Residential Papers (Baled, $/ton, f.o.b. RC, View PS 8 for Historical Prior to 2018) View Subscribers Only    
PS 4 Boxboard Cuttings (Baled, $/ton, f.o.b. RC) View Subscribers Only    
PS 11 Corrugated Containers (Baled, $/ton, f.o.b. RC) View Subscribers Only    
PS 13 New Double-Lined Corrugated Cuttings (Baled, $/ton, f.o.b. RC) View Subscribers Only    
PS 37 Sorted Office Paper (Baled, $/ton, f.o.b. RC) View Subscribers Only    
PS 40 Sorted White Ledger (Baled, $/ton, f.o.b. RC) View Subscribers Only    
PS 58 Sorted Clean News (SCN) View Subscribers Only    
PS 24 White News Blanks View Subscribers Only    
PS 28 Coated Soft White Shavings View Subscribers Only    
PS 30 Hard White Shavings View Subscribers Only    
PS 31 Hard White Envelope Cuttings View Subscribers Only    
PS 10 Magazines View Subscribers Only    
PS 43 Coated Book Stock View Subscribers Only    
PS 44 Coated Groundwood Sections View Subscribers Only    
PS 47 Unprinted Bleached Board View Subscribers Only    
PS 52 Aseptic & Gable Top Cartons (Baled, $/ton, f.o.b. RC) View Subscribers Only    
PS 1 Soft Mixed Paper (Refer to PS 54 - View for Historical) View Subscribers Only    
PS 6 News (Refer to PS 56 - View for Historical) View Subscribers Only    
PS 7 De-ink Quality News (Refer to PS 56 - View for Historical) View Subscribers Only    
PS 8 Special De-ink Quality news (Refer to PS 56 - View for Historical) View Subscribers Only    
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The PSI grade numbers and descriptions are as defined in the Guidelines for Paper Stock in the current issue of ISRI's Scrap Specifications Circular.

Prices are F.O.B. seller's dock in trailerload/carload quantities and do not reflect variances such as: spot loads, premiums, freight allowances, regular quantity shipments, contract terms, etc.

Price ranges are the result of information provided weekly by the industry and do not reflect the opinions of the publisher. This index is for reference purposes only and does not infer any commitment to buy or sell at the reported price.

Subscribers are urged to use several industry price indexes available in combination with the above referenced prices in gaining a broader information and polling base when tracking numbers. While any one single index can provide useful information to the reader, it cannot capture buying, selling or production practices that are unique to any given business.

Price Index Copyright 2024 by Recycling Markets Limited